In Memory

Class of 74 Home Official 2024 50-Year Reunion Brochure In Memory In Memory, Page 2 Attention, Bounty Hunters!! JOIN OUR FACEBOOK GROUP!! Pray for the Class The "Dowling Catholic" Scandal The Legendary Season Putting It In Perspective Guest Book Photos from the 35th Reunion in 2009 Group Photo From the 40-year Reunion in 2014 Group Photo From the 50-year Reunion in 2024

Old Friends From the Class of 74

These photos are in no particular order.  Please let us know if there is anyone from the Class of 74 who has passed away and is not remembered on this page.  Visit more of our departed classmates on In Memory, Page 2.

Bob Steinbach

John Barry

Frank Heartney

Michelle Parker

Nancy Leonardo

Steve Whitehurst

John Muse

Sue Robinson

Dorothy Schuler

Steve Bartusek

Mike Daly

John Cahalan

Pat McRae

Jeff Jacques

Tom Neal

Nancy Thorpe

Ted Squillante

Tom Meng

Mary Engel

Kevin Mulvihill

Ken Landwehr

Julie Nutt

Gail Fath

Chris Matera

P. J. Manning

J. P. Steffen

Kathy Lawless Gray

Paul Dautremont

Len Lieser

Kathy Quinn

Sherri McAllister

Don McDonald

Mike Montinguise

Richard Turner

John Cunconan

Mario Zenti

Judy Woods Chase

Barry Mertes

Gary Swanson