The "Dowling Catholic" Scandal

Class of 74 Home Official 2024 50-Year Reunion Brochure In Memory In Memory, Page 2 Attention, Bounty Hunters!! JOIN OUR FACEBOOK GROUP!! Pray for the Class The "Dowling Catholic" Scandal The Legendary Season Putting It In Perspective Guest Book Photos from the 35th Reunion in 2009 Group Photo From the 40-year Reunion in 2014 Group Photo From the 50-year Reunion in 2024

We're like ORPHANS!!

I don't know about you, but I have problems dealing with the fact that there is no "Dowling High School" anymore.

The institution out in West Des Moines, from which most of us graduated in 1974, now must be referred to as "Dowling Catholic High School."

It's like they're trying to make a break with the past -- and, more specifically, with US!!

Anyway, when this first happened, even my father expressed concern.

"You know, all the shirts and other paraphernalia have the DHS logo," he pondered.  "What are they going to do now?  Have the logo read DCHS?  That lacks symmetry."

Well, not quite, I answered.  As you might know, Dowling High School was named after BISHOP AUSTIN DOWLING, who bought the eight acres of land on which the original school was built during his 1912 to 1919 reign in Des Moines.

Keeping that in mind, I explained to my father, the new logo should look something like this (Eclick on the link to the left for the answer).

The Most Reverend Austin Dowling, Bishop of Des Moines, 1912-19