Pray for the Class

Class of 74 Home Official 2024 50-Year Reunion Brochure In Memory In Memory, Page 2 Attention, Bounty Hunters!! JOIN OUR FACEBOOK GROUP!! Pray for the Class The "Dowling Catholic" Scandal The Legendary Season Putting It In Perspective Guest Book Photos from the 35th Reunion in 2009 Group Photo From the 40-year Reunion in 2014 Group Photo From the 50-year Reunion in 2024

Pray for the Class

written by our classmate, Jim Andrew 

     Father, Lord Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit And Mother Earth Now. Please forgive all of us around the world, past, present and future for the things we have done to hurt You and each other. Please help us to feel the suffering that exists in this world, so we may have some pity. Let us Know the Love You Know and the blessings You have, so Your goodness can flow through us into one another. Let Your Love fill our hearts, so we will Know Life the way it is meant to be.

     Please bless us with Your Truth, Your Love, Your Understanding and Togetherness, so that some day soon, we will all come Together to Know, Love and Understanding You and each other to the fullest. Help us to share these gifts with our children, so they will never know despair or doubt in the ones, who protect them. Let us all Know the goodness we have to share with one another. Never to doubt what You have taught us, but to stand firm in the resolve that good is good. Help us to become good Human Beings and to remember the child within us. To Know we are on a journey to become like You.

     And so we Pray for the Class, who gave us so much Love and shared so much joy and laughter that we sometimes weep for the friends, who have gone before us. Long for the friendships we once had. For their memories and the ones we still hope and intend to build, we Pray for the Class to have the strength, the courage and the faith to do things the way You would do them. In the Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ We Pray.